Why a Second Term?

My decision to run for a second term was not easy.  I have no political aspirations, and City Council service puts a strain on my family and my finances.  It entails enormous sacrifice on many levels.  Moreover, it is the antithesis of “fun” to vote on hotly contested issues when you know your vote will invariably cause some community members – who you dearly love – to become angry with you.  I don’t like being hated, do you? But, after carefully weighing the pros and cons coupled with prayer, I felt like my continued service on the City Council is important for our City, and that running for re-election is the right thing to do.

Serving on a City Council entails a steep multi-year learning curve. While I continue to learn new things all the time, I am getting to a point where I am far more effective and wise than I was when I started on the Council.

When I first started, it was hard to tell which way was up; kind of like drinking from a fire hose… Now, when an issue is presented at a Council meeting, I can look at the issue from multiple angles, carefully weigh and analyze competing policy objectives, and ask pointed questions to glean key information that presenters prefer not to share. These skills are partly a result of my time on the City Council, and they also stem from my analytical mind and my training as an attorney.  

While I support the concept of term limits, I believe the City greatly benefits when City Council members – especially those like me with strong analytical skills – can serve a second term and build on the foundation developed during the first term.

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